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  • Faraz Maqsood Hamidi October 26, 2022 at 7:34 pm

    Meena and Rashid, thank you for sharing your treasures! Loved the simplicity and clarity with which years of curatorial passion have been brought to life. It’s like entering your home all over again — but virtually 🙂 Kudos!

    — Gotham

  • Khayyam Maqsood Hamidi October 28, 2022 at 5:21 am

    I pretty much grew up in an art gallery!

  • Time that you build up your own collection !

  • Thank you for sharing. Beautifully varied and eclectic a collection. Must be a source of constant joy and enjoyment for you, family and friends.

  • Oh WOW ❤️❤️❤️ what an amazing collection Meena and you have put together. It is probably one of the best Ii have seen outside a museum😱 This website is a great idea, sharing with those who do not have the privilege to come and admire this artwork in your home. Enjoy in good health and keep adding to this beautiful collection😎

  • Tremenda colección amigos RashMaq y Meena!! I recall some of these pieces from your home in Caracas. Congrats!! Keep it growing!!!

  • Syed Ayaz Bokhari November 1, 2022 at 1:22 pm

    A great and varied collection. Wonderfully catalogued! 👏👏👏

  • Simply splendid! An eclectic mix of great art work which I always enjoy and admire everytime I visit you. Thanks for sharing. Love your collection.

  • I have known Pummo (Rashid) since childhood . Even as a kid he used to critique the art work of the garish billboards and movie posters around Karachi. Who knew it’s not just artists that are born, it’s art collectors as well! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

  • A very varied collection and very well put together.. really enjoyed going through it..kudos !!

  • Anne-Lise IVACHKEVITCH November 4, 2022 at 3:25 pm

    Quelle fabuleuse collection ! C est enchanteur pour les yeux et pour l’esprit ! Chaque tableau, chaque oeuvre sont magnifiquement mis en valeur dans cette très belle maison/musèe et, à travers les vidéos, nous déambulons comme au Louvre, découvrant à chacun de nos pas le talent de chaque artiste. Immersion totale dans le monde de l art, éblouissement, émotions, c’est enthousiasmant, comme une évasion vers ce qu il y a de plus beau. Quel ravissement ce doit être de vivre jour après jour dans cette atmosphère où le bon goût rime avec culture.
    Merci pour ce partage qui unit ou réunit les Hommes du monde entier à un moment où nous en avons tous surement un peu besoin. On dit que la “musique adoucit les moeurs,” je pense que tout forme d art, dont la peinture, aussi !!! T

  • Rashid: have thoroughly enjoyed viewing Meena and your fabulous collection. Recognize a couple of Jamil Naqsh’s’ work and perhaps a M.F Hussain piece. Others I don’t recognize, though didn’t take away any pleasure of viewing them. Will visit and view again, as repetition reveals what one has missed the last time in such wonderful art you have collected. Talk to you soon. Best.

  • Rashid has impeccable taste when it comes to paintings . I have always enjoyed viewing them and I am very happy that he has now cataloged them

  • Labour of love ❤️

  • Such an amazing collection and so wonderful to see it documented like this!

  • What an amazing virtual tour of your fabulous collection. Love the idea of cataloging your collection and sharing it with everyone. The love and thought that has gone into curating this collection is apparent, each piece is more awe inspiring than the one before.

  • I have known Rashid and Mena since 1982. Both belong to families with deep roots in creative arts.
    Even in those days, one could see and sense their proclivity to the expression of beauty, wether it be music or paintings or other expressions of love.
    I am delighted to learn that they both perused their common passion of supporting and collecting art. We are all culturally and aesthetically richer because of Rashid and Mena.

  • I’ve enjoyed seeing the paintings on the wall in your house and nice to see them online. This a well-designed website. All the best

  • Wowwwww: what a magical collection Rashid Bhai… I have seen many around the world in my life, but this one truly stands out as do you as an amazing human being, freind and mentor!

    • Thank you AAK for very generous words !

    • Coming to your beautiful home and viewing some of your absolutely amazing art collection was a treat for my eyes, bringing joy to my soul. Truly.
      This catalogue of your art was so beautiful. So happy that you’re sharing it with all of us. Thank you.

  • What a marvellous collection , throughly enjoyed viewing your website . A big applause to both of you

  • Visiting your home both in dubai and Karachi was always such a treat – each piece triggers thought and consideration. I would love to learn more from both of you. Passing on your discerning eyes and insights are a gift you are giving to the next generation.

  • Beautiful collection. It must be wonderful to live in a veritable art gallery.